know, and so on. It's really cheap.

The true silver Transformers The most expensive, but you know, you can make some really great prophet here if you know this recipe. And you know, it's it's hard for players to get this recipe because they might not know where to get it. It's never on  WoW cataclysm Gold the Auction House. You have to get it from the goblin in winter spring, which is called I think it's called ever look. Yeah, ever look.

Yeah, so that's the only place you can get it. It sells really great. One other thing I want to mention is that there are also other engineering recipes that are selling quite well. There's the lifelike mechanical Toad, which sells for 24 to 30 gold, and the mechanical squirrel box, which sells for 14 Gold. Now, those have recipes that you can just purchase the recipes are quite expensive.

So not necessarily great options, but definitely I would highly recommend the tranquil mechanical Yeti, because it's not too hard to make, just go do the quest and then get the recipe if you're an engineer, craft it, you know by the maths you make some pretty easy gold and that is tip number 11.

All right, tip number 12 We have the vendor called flick who is from the Darkmoon Faire you can see that's typically where it takes place in Elwynn Forest also happens in mulgara Magor And Taro car forest, but flick sells two additional pets you can get for one gold each. The tree frog box and the wood frog box the prices are pretty good for these. The tree frog box sells for anywhere from 46 to 65 gold which is insane. And the wood frog box sells for 68 to 145 gold because looks like it's limited supply.

Now what's really great about this is that the Darkmoon Faire actually happens pretty much once a month you can see here the next one's coming out on October 2 You know we can go to the next month Yep, so there's the one for October 2. Here we go. November 6 We have the Darkmoon Faire Sunday December 4 We have the Darkmoon Faire so lots of opportunities to pick up lots of these tree frog boxes and wood frog boxes which will score you some very easy gold.

I mean almost 100 gold right like 50 gold each pretty much you're buying it for one gold, you can sell them you know stock up and then every month just restock them so really easy gold tip number 12 is fantastic. Highly recommend it. Alright tip number 13 is buying a white cat from Little Timmy.

Now Little Timmy spawns every two hours in storm wind  
WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale and he only exists for like 15 minutes. He spawns like right here and then a show on the map at follows a rout kind of like this or he's going down this way over here, up through here and back. And you know you can patrol these you know, these area you know, you could you could try fishing while you wait, this cat carrier white kitten sells for 140 Gold Plus, it's kind of hard to get though. So it's kind of you know, if you can integrate it into your gold farm, I think it's a nice bonus tip.