The broad-ranging agreement Microsoft as well as the National Football League (Mut 25 coins) announced on an event called the Xbox One event is worth about $400 million over the course of five years According to sources speaking in The Associated Press.

Within the multi-year arrangement, Microsoft will have the right to create "exclusive immersive experiences" via Xbox One and its Surface tablet line. As demonstrated during yesterday's Xbox One reveal presentation, the NFL on Xbox One will allow for new experiences in viewing via Skype or Xbox Smartglass.

Additionally, Microsoft said its deal with the NFL will be beneficial for those who love fantasy football. NFL available on Xbox One allows players to stream live games while simultaneously interacting with their own personal NFL website that provides players, teams and game-related information.

"When we began working with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell] and the team at the NFL we were confident that we could develop amazing new experiences that the fans will love," Xbox boss Don Mattrick stated in an announcement. "This collaboration will revolutionize NFL experiences with unique and engaging content is only available on Xbox. For those who love football of the game, NFL on Xbox will offer the most complete method to watch live football, by bringing the first fully integrated fantasy football experience on TVexclusively on Xbox."

The Microsoft-NFL deal will go over the television screen out into the world of real. In the course of the agreement, NFL coaches will be provided Surface tablet computers to "enhance the on-field communications, photos viewing, and play-calling." Microsoft believes that this could alter how the game is played.

"Microsoft along with the Mut 25 coins for sale imagine a sideline in the future that will have players reviewing images from various camera angles from the sidelines and coaches calling plays from connected Surface tablets instead of static paper products" Microsoft said in a statement. "With Microsoft technology, NFL coaches, players and other staff will have the equipment they require to enhance their performance and decision-making on the field."