A private video of Bhojpuri actress, Priyanka Pandit, has gone viral on social media. The actress is known for her roles in Bhojpuri films like Pawan Putra, Ichhadhari, Awara Balam, Karam Yug and Tod De Dushman Ki Nali Ram Aur Ali. According to reports, it is a very old video of Priyanka that has now made its way to social media. Priyanka Pandit, a Bhojpuri actress who recently made headlines after a purported MMS of her made headlines around the world, talked to the media on Thursday, shattering her stance on the topic, and the Bhojpuri actress, whose claimed private video went viral recently, explained that she is not the girl in the video and released a statement saying that someone is plotting against her, stating Aug 29, 2021, 02:13 PM IST. Bhojpuri star Priyanka Pandit recently grabbed headlines after an alleged MMS of her went viral on social media. Days after the nude video clip went viral, Priyanka Pandit broke her silence on the matter and said that she is not the girl in the video. Let's know more about Priyanka Pandit and the controversy over the DNA Web Team. Bhojpuri actress Priyanka Pandit who recently hit headlines after an alleged MMS of her went viral on social media, on Thursday spoke to the media, breaking her silence on the matter. The Bhojpuri star whose alleged private video became the talk of the town recently clarified that she's not the girl in the video and told the media Hindi News ⺠Entertainment ⺠Bhojpuri ⺠Priyanka Pandit breaks silence on her MMS leak viral video bhojpuri actress says my career is ruined Priyanka Pandit: पà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¤à¤à¤¾ पà¤à¤¡à¤¿à¤¤ नॠà¤à¤®à¤à¤®à¤à¤¸ वायरल वà¥à¤¡à¤¿à¤¯à¥ पर तà¥à¤¡à¤¼à¥ à¤à¥à¤ªà¥à¤ªà¥, à¤à¤¹à¤¾- मà¥à¤°à¤¾ A few days back, Trisha Kar Madhu's objectionable video had gone viral in which
she is seen with an unknown man. Now, Priyanka's video is being shared by many on social media. Bhojpuri actress Priyanka Pandit found herself amid a controversy last year after a MMS video claiming to be hers went viral on social media. Priyanka, who has devoted herself to Krishna bhakti The bold actress of Bhojpuri Industry, Priyanka Pandit, is in news for the last few days after an MMS of the actress recently went viral on social media. The actress spoke to the media, on Thursday, about the incident breaking her silence on the matter. Priyanka's old MMS came out on the internet after another Bhojpuri star Trisha Kar Madhu Priyanka Pandit Instagram. Now, Priyanka Pandit has slammed the reports stating that she is not the person in the clip and it is her lookalike's video. "The viral video is not mine. The girl showing the sexual content only looks like me. The video is also old," she said as per a report on Zee News. In the said video, a woman is seen in a nude Bhojpuri actress Priyanka Pandit's private video is becoming quite viral on social media these days. In this case, the actress has also clarified that someone is planning against her. Bhojpuri actress Priyanka Pandit's private video goes viral after Trisha Kar Madhu's leaked MMS. Popular Bhojpuri actress Priyanka Pandit has hit the headlines unfortunately for the wrong reasons Now, now a private video of Bhojpuri actress Priyanka Pandit has also been leaked on the internet. The leaked video has now gone viral on social media and left the Bhojpuri industry in shock. Reacting to the video, Priyanka has claimed that the person in the video is not her. "The girl seen in the video is not me but someone else. Priyanka Pandit Viral Video Controversy: Things To Know. 1. Pandit, who is in her 20s, is a prominent actor in Bhojpuri films and has a large social media following of over 6,00,000. She made her debut in the industry in 2013 with Jeena Teri Gali Me. Pandit has starred alongside top actors making her one of
the most notable screen names in Actor Priyanka Pandit's secret video went viral on internet, followed by another prominent name of . Bihar: Bhojpuri industry is again on news with a twisted headline. However, such kind leaked personal videos or MMS is nothing new for the Bhojpuri industry. Several other actors from this fraternity had also been there earlier. Bhojpuri actress Priyanka Pandit viral video, Priyanka Pandit viral link, Priyanka Pandit viral full video 2021, Priyanka pandit viral link download, Bhojpuri actress priyanka pandit apne boobs ko jor jor se dabate hue video viral hua hai. Priyanka apne dono boobs ko bahar nikal ke jor jor se daba dabakar mahol ko ekdum garam kar rajhi hai. Wo apne sexy boobs ko aise massal rahi hai jaise unme Madhu's private video was also circulated on the internet. As per reports, Pandit's controversial video had been released sometime in the past and has started to circulate again after Madhu's video went viral. The actor has reportedly claimed that it is not her in the video but some other woman. People have been sharing links of the said Priyanka Pandit nude boobs playing viral sex video leak 32K Views. 84% and you can easily find all of her Videos here at ViralXXXPorn. We are very popular for free High Quality Sex Videos and we have the Best & Finest Priyanka Pandit Porn Videos on the internet, always in Super High Quality and FREE! always in Super High Quality and Days after Bhojpuri actress Trisha Kar Madhu's leaked MMS making the rounds on the internet, a nude video of another Bhojpuri actress, Priyanka Pandit, has gone viral on social media. Millions of viewers have searched the video on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other social media platforms, with many sharing the sexual A few days after Trisha Kar Madhu's leaked MMS made the rounds on the internet, a private video of another Bhojpuri actress, Priyanka Pandit, went viral on social media.Later, the actress A few days back, Bhojpuri actress
Priyanka Pandit 's private video went viral on the internet. The actress has also been trolled on social media. After the video went viral, she came before the The 20-something actor made her debut in films with Jeena Teri Gali Me in 2013, for which she reportedly won an award as a newcomer in the Bhojpuri industry. 2. Pandit also popularly appears in Bhojpuri songs with top actors. Her most famous tracks include Lela Sawad Raja and Kajar Lagailee, while films Judwaa 2 and Banoo Main Teri Dulhan have Bhojpuri Star Viral Video, Priyanka is not one to bear it silently. The actress claims that someone added her name to those videos just to defame her. On social media, she said, 'Attempts have been made to malign my image.' Pandit revealed that her career is ruined. Leaked Video of her naked boobs teasing can be only seen on ViralPornHub. Watch Priyanka Pandit in Viral Video Full Nude video on xHamster, the largest HD sex tube site with tons of free Asian Indian & Solo porn movies! Related Videos. By clicking the content on this page you will also see an ad. 00:11. Aarti Sharma xxx photo video . Anamika24 Show Time. Very hot sexy NRI Stripping Masturbating . Hot babe