WoW Cataclysm Classic Is Taking Steps against "Bad Trust" AFK Players

WoW Cataclysm Classic Players have discovered ways to sneak around the game's automated AFK detect system. This is allowing players to  WoW cataclysm Gold leave the game for extended periods of time without being redirected back in the game's main menu. However, this is about to change as Amazon Games looking to take actions to implement better AFK detection and to penalize "bad good faith AFK users."

Amazon Games' MMO has been played by more than 900,000 concurrent users on Steam during the past weekend which makes it the most played game on Steam. It has also led to lengthy waiting times for certain of WoW Cataclysm Classic 's most popular servers. This is no surprise since players are making use of all the tools available to keep playing and avoid standing in lines.

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In an announcement on the official forum for the game the community director Henry Stelter writes that Amazon is rolling out updates that will improve WoW Cataclysm Classic 's AFK detection system, which will help identify instances where players are artificially active.

"We have experienced many complaints about players who might be being active enough to bypass an automatic AFK mitigation integrated into WoW Cataclysm Classic," Stelter writes. "We definitely agree that this isn't a good behaviour, particularly when there are a lot of players eagerly waiting to be a part of the game. We've developed a brand new tool to help us find and take steps against in bad trust AFK participants."

Stelter continues to state that Amazon isn't going to reveal the way in which the new detection system operates, however, players playing the game regularly should not have any problems. The AFK detection updates won't be immediate, but they will be released over a duration, HardcoreHenry writes.

WoW Cataclysm Classic has proven to be Amazon Games' first big game to be a success that has provoked an immediate response from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos himself. Because of the game's popularity, Amazon has added additional servers and expanded the server capacity to accommodate new players. Server transfers for cheap WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold free will be provided by Amazon in the coming weeks for players who have created their characters on a lower number of servers to reduce the time spent waiting in queues.